Marriage, Marriage Preparation

How to Save your Marriage Before it Begins

Why we do marriage preparation the way we do.

So here’s the deal about marriage: it’s really hard. Even when all the stars are aligned in your favor, it’s still hard. Even if you marry your 10/10, you adore each other’s families, you share the same faith and culture, your finances are in tip top shape, you agree on everything, and you can’t get enough of each other — it’s still hard. Why? Well, for starters, the scenario I just described in that massive run-on sentence is right out of a Hallmark movie and therefore removed from reality. The more realistic setup is that two lovely but flawed people fall in love, and after a period of dating, decide to commit to spending the rest of their lives together.

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Education, Family, Marriage, Self-care, Uncategorized

A New Year, A Big Change and a New Commitment

Happy New Year! I can’t believe it’s been exactly one year since I last blogged. Life must have been crazy. It’s definitely been an emotionally challenging year, the reasons which I hope to share one day, once the dust has settled (does it ever settle in family life?). It has also been a year filled with changes, the major one being that I’m no longer homeschooling. Yup, you heard that right. After 14 years, we have made the difficult but hopefully right decision to send all the kids to school.

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Education, Marriage, Marriage Preparation

Marriage Preparation: Why do it?

Photo by Seth Reese on Unsplash

As some of you know, my husband and I have been involved in teaching Marriage Preparation courses for almost as long as we’ve been married. At first we assisted a leader couple by giving the talks on sexuality, and after a number of years we felt confident enough to teach the course on our own. It’s rewarding and challenging, and we always feel honored to be a part of the beginning of these couples’ journey together.

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Marriage, Self-care

(Pycho)Therapy: Highly Recommend

Photo by Priscilla Du Preez on Unsplash

When I was younger, I used to have mixed feelings about therapy. Growing up, there was certainly a stigma and even skepticism surrounding mental health, with psychology and psychiatry considered the “soft” sciences. Basically, the way out of a bad mental health spell was to keep busy and use that willpower and all would be well.

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My favorite things, Self-care

When Life gets Crazy, Just Read

Whenever life gets a little crazy and stressful, and even when it isn’t, my escapist pastime is to read. During the pandemic I read a lot a lot a lot. There were definitely perks to being very pregnant and having nowhere to go. But even now that we’re in the full swing of life with five kids, I always manage to make time for reading. You could say that it’s a vital part of my self-care routine.

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Marriage, My favorite things

Franz and Franziska Jagerstatter: A Beautiful Story of Marriage

Greetings in God, dearly beloved husband!

Greetings in God, most beloved wife and mother!

The blessed couple on their wedding day in 1936. Source: Styria Verlag/Denver Catholic

Have you heard of the 2019 movie A Hidden Life? Written and directed by Terrence Malick, it tells the story of Franz Jagerstatter, an ordinary Austrian farmer who was caught on the wrong side of WWII. When Austria was annexed by Germany in 1938, young Franz was called away to military duty by the Nazi regime. During the months of military training and later imprisonment, Franz and his wife Franziska exchanged several letters. Following his training, the time came for Franz to swear an oath of allegiance to Hitler and the Nazi regime. Franz courageously followed his conscience and refused to sign the oath, even though he knew his decision meant certain death for him and much suffering for the young family he was leaving behind. Ultimately (spoiler alert), Franz was martyred for his beliefs in 1943. Franz is currently on his way to becoming a canonized saint in the Roman Catholic Church.

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Testing 1, 2, 3

Photo by Matt Botsford on Unsplash

Hello world! Boy oh boy has it been a terribly long time since I’ve been here. I’ve missed you, dear blog. So what have I been up to in the last three years? Let’s see, for starters, I had a baby! Sweet baby #5 was born right smack in the middle of lockdown, and she’s turned out to be the greatest joy during a challenging time. She’s now a crazy toddler who gets into all kinds of trouble, including fishing out used Covid tests out of the garbage and drinking their contents (yup, that happened). I always said that I would love to have a baby while having teenagers in the house, and God being so good has made all my dreams come true.

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My favorite things, Self-care

Reading in the Time of Quarantine

What’s better than reading? Reading with a latte and a pastry or two.
Photo by Jordan Christian on Unsplash

Reading is my passion and my comfort. Especially in these times of anxiety and uncertainty, I love to escape with a good book. If you, like me, are always looking for the next great read, check out my list of favorite books. I hope you find one or two gems here!

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Family, Kids

The Greatest Gift of Social Isolation: Time

Photo by Christopher Paul High on Unsplash.

This is a strange, strange season we’re living in. Never in my life has the entire world shared one single focus: the eradication of the COVID-19 virus. Here in Canada, we’ve been practicing social isolation for close to a month, and counting. As a family of six with a newly minted teenager, we have already had our share of intense, angst-ridden moments. The extroverts are bouncing off the walls and the introverts are craving some real alone time. We miss our extended family and our friends. And I really, really need a haircut.

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