Education, Marriage, Marriage Preparation

Marriage Preparation: Why do it?

Photo by Seth Reese on Unsplash

As some of you know, my husband and I have been involved in teaching Marriage Preparation courses for almost as long as we’ve been married. At first we assisted a leader couple by giving the talks on sexuality, and after a number of years we felt confident enough to teach the course on our own. It’s rewarding and challenging, and we always feel honored to be a part of the beginning of these couples’ journey together.

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Marriage, Self-care

(Pycho)Therapy: Highly Recommend

Photo by Priscilla Du Preez on Unsplash

When I was younger, I used to have mixed feelings about therapy. Growing up, there was certainly a stigma and even skepticism surrounding mental health, with psychology and psychiatry considered the “soft” sciences. Basically, the way out of a bad mental health spell was to keep busy and use that willpower and all would be well.

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Marriage, My favorite things

Franz and Franziska Jagerstatter: A Beautiful Story of Marriage

Greetings in God, dearly beloved husband!

Greetings in God, most beloved wife and mother!

The blessed couple on their wedding day in 1936. Source: Styria Verlag/Denver Catholic

Have you heard of the 2019 movie A Hidden Life? Written and directed by Terrence Malick, it tells the story of Franz Jagerstatter, an ordinary Austrian farmer who was caught on the wrong side of WWII. When Austria was annexed by Germany in 1938, young Franz was called away to military duty by the Nazi regime. During the months of military training and later imprisonment, Franz and his wife Franziska exchanged several letters. Following his training, the time came for Franz to swear an oath of allegiance to Hitler and the Nazi regime. Franz courageously followed his conscience and refused to sign the oath, even though he knew his decision meant certain death for him and much suffering for the young family he was leaving behind. Ultimately (spoiler alert), Franz was martyred for his beliefs in 1943. Franz is currently on his way to becoming a canonized saint in the Roman Catholic Church.

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Family, Kids, Marriage

The Perks of having Mom in bed

This has pretty much been me for many, many weeks. Photo by Rex Pickar on Unsplash .

Confession: I have been at low-functioning capacity (ie. in bed a lot) for a combined total of 28 weeks in the past year and a half. While this state of affairs has not been ideal, I have had plenty of time to reflect that it hasn’t come without its blessings. Because, while it has been a period filled with anxiety, worry and suffering, it is undeniable that much fruit has been borne from the pain. Every cloud truly comes with a silver lining.

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Marriage, My favorite things

My Favorite Marriage Books

Photo by Mateus Campos Felipe on Unsplash

A happy, healthy marriage is one of the greatest sources of happiness on earth (for married people, that is). While each and every marriage is unique, there are fundamental truths – such as love, respect and sacrifice – which must be understood and lived in order to enjoy a lifelong, fulfilling relationship. I also believe that we all need help to succeed at marriage, whether it’s from family, friends, courses, blogs, podcasts, books or therapy. In this post I share with you my favorite marriage books; I hope they are as helpful to your marriage or future marriage as they have been to us.

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Marriage Saver #6: Face the Issues with Honesty

Source: Billy Abbott Cartoons.

Not too long ago I was listening to one of Jordan Peterson’s podcast episodes, “The World is your Oyster“, a recording from his lecture in Winnipeg, Manitoba. During the Q&A, Jordan Peterson confided that he and his wife had hard, vicious fights, often; however they were productive fights, as the point was to not have to have the fight again.

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Wedded Bliss

The beginning of a beautiful thing. I can’t believe I used to fit in that dress.

Today we celebrate 16 years of marriage. It’s our sweet sixteen anniversary! And it really has been sweet. And sometimes, not so sweet. And then sweet again.

I loved my wedding day. While I am an anxious worrywart by nature, I actually managed to relax and truly enjoy our special day. I felt that it was the peak of our existence and that nothing could possibly top the joy and happiness that we experienced that blessed day.

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Marriage, Self-care

Marriage Saver #5: Getaways with your Spouse

A rare selfie (wefie?) of me and the hubby.

I meant to publish this post back in July. But then things got crazy and here were are, two months later. Better late than never!

My husband and I just returned from a quick getaway to gorgeous Niagara-on-the-Lake. It was a much-needed break after a hectic school year and before we embark on a three-week family vacation. Which, by the way, we’re super excited about — we’re heading to Quebec and Prince Edward Island! Nevertheless, we will be driving many, many, many hours with children of all ages, stages and temperaments. As Yoda might say, relaxing will not it be. One of my amazing sisters had our two oldest boys for the week, and my other amazing sister offered to care for our two little ones. I found a great hotel deal (thank you Travelzoo), we loaded the bikes, and off we went.

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Family, Kids, Marriage

Back to normal…sort of

Dear Ocean, I miss you already.

Hello dear blog, how are you? It’s been forever since I paid any attention to you. I had grandiose visions of dedicating more time to my little blog over the summer. I thought that not homeschooling meant more time for other things, like writing. Isn’t there a Yiddish proverb that goes Man plans, God laughs? Wise words.

In many ways, the summer was amazing. In July, the big boys enjoyed summer camps and camping trips with Dad. We started a few renovations to improve the main floor of our home. The hubby and I even enjoyed a romantic weekend getaway.

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