Marriage, Self-care

Marriage Saver #5: Getaways with your Spouse

A rare selfie (wefie?) of me and the hubby.

I meant to publish this post back in July. But then things got crazy and here were are, two months later. Better late than never!

My husband and I just returned from a quick getaway to gorgeous Niagara-on-the-Lake. It was a much-needed break after a hectic school year and before we embark on a three-week family vacation. Which, by the way, we’re super excited about — we’re heading to Quebec and Prince Edward Island! Nevertheless, we will be driving many, many, many hours with children of all ages, stages and temperaments. As Yoda might say, relaxing will not it be. One of my amazing sisters had our two oldest boys for the week, and my other amazing sister offered to care for our two little ones. I found a great hotel deal (thank you Travelzoo), we loaded the bikes, and off we went.

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Family, Kids, Marriage

Back to normal…sort of

Dear Ocean, I miss you already.

Hello dear blog, how are you? It’s been forever since I paid any attention to you. I had grandiose visions of dedicating more time to my little blog over the summer. I thought that not homeschooling meant more time for other things, like writing. Isn’t there a Yiddish proverb that goes Man plans, God laughs? Wise words.

In many ways, the summer was amazing. In July, the big boys enjoyed summer camps and camping trips with Dad. We started a few renovations to improve the main floor of our home. The hubby and I even enjoyed a romantic weekend getaway.

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My favorite things, Self-care

My Top 10 Foreign Films

Photo by Jason Leung on Unsplash

I love foreign films. I love their originality, their honesty, their non-Hollywood budgets, and their normal-looking actors. If the film includes food, then even better. I present to you my current list of favorite foreign films. Some of the trailers are a little cheesy – it’s amazing how the quality of trailers has dramatically improved in the last decade. Enjoy!

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My favorite things

My Favorite Things – A podcast about love, dating advice, and I know what I’ll do this summer

Throwing rocks; fun for the entire family.

Hello blog, it’s been a while. My husband went away on a business trip and then cycling across the gorgeous Canadian Rockies. It was definitely a bucket list item for him, so I’m super happy that he got to do it. In his absence, however, I went into survival mode; my greatest ambition was to keep the kids alive and take the occasional shower. But now my knight in shining armor is back and all is well.

Anyway, happy warm weather season! While it’s been the coldest, rainiest spring in years, it hasn’t kept us from venturing out on family bike rides and stone-skipping adventures. That is, when we’re not working on our wayward garden, aka our character-building activity.

Here are some of my favorite things this past month:

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Family, Kids

Musings from my 12-yr Residence in Diaper Land

The infamous potty training chart. Good times, good times.

This post is for all you mammas of pre-potty-trained toddlers. This year we are celebrating a very special milestone in our parenting journey. For the first time in 12 years, we are diaper-free! Honestly, we never thought the day would arrive.

Before potty training becomes a fond, distant memory, I’ll share my humble thoughts about it all. While we were in the midst of it, I found it an intense, exasperating, and sometimes hopeless experience. This may sound extreme but it is, to this day, one of the hardest things I’ve done as a parent. And then, one day, the kid gets it. And then, another day, he goes to the toilet without you having to prod him like a broken record. Then another glorious day, he stops wetting at night! It really does seem magical. It’s like learning how to read, except way messier.

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My favorite things, Self-care

From across the Pond – My Top 10 British TV Series

The British sure know how to make good entertainment (thank you, BBC). When it comes to TV shows, I love that each episode is often like a mini-movie, each lasting more than an hour. And the Christmas specials are to die for. I even watch the Dr. Who Christmas specials (but I do leave the room when those darn Daleks show up, because I have limits).

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My favorite things, Self-care

From across the Pond: My Top 10 British Novels

Photo by Artsy Vibes on Unsplash

In honor of birth of baby Archie (congratulations Harry and Meghan!), I’m dedicating the next few posts to my favorite British novels, TV series and movies. I love all things British: the history, the urban and rural landscapes, the architecture, the food, and best of all, the accents. I love it all: Arthurian legends, C.S. Lewis, Oxford, G. K. Chesterton, J.R.R. Tolkien, Jane Austen, the Bronte sisters, Charles Dickens, The Seven Sisters cliffs, Fortnum & Mason, Liberty fabrics, Bath, Cornwall, Afternoon Tea, Jamie Oliver, Michael McIntyre, and the duck sandwich at the Borough Market. If I believed in reincarnation, I would swear that I was a British lady in a past life. The few times that I have traveled to England, it has felt like coming home.

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Marriage Saver #4: The Four Temperaments

The Four Temperaments, emoji-style. How did we ever communicate before emojis?
Images from

Just like the Five Love Languages, I didn’t learn about the Four Temperaments until later into my marriage. But boy, an earlier understanding of them would have saved us some grief. Some years ago I attended a talk by Art and Laraine Bennett, the authors of The Temperament God Gave You. I purchased their book and the number of aha moments I had while reading it must have broken some world record.

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My favorite things

My Favorite Things – A Silent Retreat, 3 Awesome Books and All about Hospitality

Happy Easter! Isn’t this the most incredible cake? I love baking but my friend Kinga is in a league of her own.
Check her out at The Meringue Kiss.

Happy Easter! As practicing Catholics, Easter is the happiest season of our liturgical year. As I get older, I am learning to appreciate and even look forward to the season of denial and sacrifice that is Lent. But when Easter arrives, bring on the feasting!! I’m back to browsing dessert websites (UnwrittenRecipes is my latest obsession). Hello love handles, it’s nice to see you again.

In no particular order, I share with you my favorite things of the month:

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