Family, My favorite things

My Favorite Things – Crafts for the Non-crafty, Family Board Games, Mrs. Maisel and more

Family board game night: fun for everyone. Photo by Jaciel Melnik on Unsplash

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Hello friends! Here’s a list of things that I’m thoroughly enjoying this month.

Easy Advent and Christmas crafts.’s that time of year again. I’m allergic to crafts in the best of times; I dread it almost as much as my kids dread writing book reports. But there’s something about this season that begs artistic expression. My go-to place for all Catholic crafts is Catholic Icing. This site has a wealth of crafts for all feasts and saints days (and we Catholics sure love a reason to celebrate.) My kids have been coloring in their Advent Calendar Wreath every day. Not only do I feel relieved to finally be doing some crafts with the kids, but we also have a great opportunity to learn about the true meaning of the season.

Christmas book lists from the Read Aloud Revival. Sarah McKenzie is my go-to blogger for all things book-related. She has curated the best book lists for boys and girls of all ages. I’ve been taking out all the books that I can from my local library and reading them to the kids at night. There’s one in particular, Father and Son: A Nativity Story, which had me in tears by the second page. I have a soft spot for St. Joseph, patron saint of fathers, and this book portrays him so beautifully.

Family board game night. We are trying to play board games as a family at least one night a week, and it’s been so enjoyable. Three of our kids are old enough to play, and two are now worthy opponents. Little children do grow up. Our favorite games to play together are Settlers of Catan, Ticket to Ride, Sushi Go and Carcassone. As a mom who is constantly ordering her kids around, I’m always looking for opportunities to enjoy each other’s company and build a strong family culture.

He Leadeth Me by Fr. Walter Ciscek and Fr. Daniel Flaherty. I’m reading this book during my morning meditation, and it’s been an amazing way to start my day. The co-authors first wrote With God in Russia, in which they detailed Fr. Ciscek’s experience as a priest in the labor camps of Siberia. He Leadeth Me is more of a personal reflection on the events during those decades, and how, in the darkest of circumstances, he was able to finally abandon himself to the will of God and help those around him. This is a truly inspiring book of faith and resilience.

Fearless Family Life. This is written by a friend of mine, Veronique. I love her writing style – she’s smart, hilarious, and real. Her latest blog post about family size is so refreshing. It has something for everyone – for those with no children, few children, and lots of children. I love what she writes about it taking all kinds of people to make the world go round. If we only remembered this truth, we would all be so much less judgemental of one another. I can speak to it personally. I have 4 kids who keep me quite busy inside the home, while my single sister has built up her successful jewelry design business from scratch. Coincidentally, she started her business the year I gave birth to my first child. I deeply admire her talent, her passion and her dedication to her trade, and she loves, loves, loves her nieces and nephews. It truly takes all kinds to make this world a better place.

The Problem with the “Purity” Culture. This article has a ton of food for thought. The author’s opinion that as a society we are not doing much to make chastity (the “right sex”, not “no sex”) a practical reality. We are waiting too long to get married and are not intentional enough in our quest to find the right mate and have a healthy, lifelong marriage. As someone who prepares engaged couples for marriage, this article hits the right notes in so many ways.  I especially enjoyed the author’s advice for young people preparing for marriage (men: work out, groom well, and learn a trade. Women: hang around children and learn how to manage a home. Both: learn about finances). This may seem shockingly counter-cultural, but remember that we are aiming for happy, fulfilling marriages and families, not just personal fulfillment.

The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel. This is my ultimate guilty pleasure. I used to be a huge Gilmore Girls fan, so I was thrilled to learn that the same creators (power couple Amy Sherman-Palladino and Daniel Palladino) had a new series on Amazon Prime. Like Gilmore Girls, the show is quirky and witty in a way that only Amy Sherman-Palladino is quirky and witty. The casting is phenomenal; Rachel Brosnahan is unbelievably captivating in the title role, and I will watch anything with Tony Shalhoub in it. Anything. The creators have a knack for transporting the audience right smack in the middle of their chosen setting, whether it’s small town America in Girlmore Girls, or the upper Jewish crust in New York in the late 50s in this show. From the clothes (to DIE for) to the sets to the music, everything works together to delight the senses. I don’t watch it so much for the main plot and the drama, which I find inevitably falls apart after one or two seasons. And the coarse language is a bit much. To me, there is a time and a place for a curse word or two to make a point, but this show lets it all go. The cruder it gets, the less clever it becomes. But it’s the side shows that really keep me coming back, episode after episode. There is street dancing in Paris, hilarious PA announcements at the weirdest summer resort, and a late night telethon filled with dancers, singers and comedians. It’s so much fun – just don’t watch it with the kids around!

That’s all for now. Have a Blessed Advent and Merry Christmas, everyone!

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