Education, Family, Kids, My favorite things, Self-care

My Favorite Things: What is Leisure, Teaching Manners, why Graphic Novels count as Reading, and Bake this Cake

This scrumptious Almond Cranberry Cake is definitely one of my favorite things. From a Taste of Home.

Starting the Homeschooling Year on the Right Foot

Have you heard of homeschooling burnout? Many moms experience it in the bleak month of February when the weather is frigid, noses are forever runny and it’s just been too many days of nonstop math and spelling. But not me! I actually burn out the second week of September. We haven’t even cracked open all the books and I already want to quit. I’ve thought a lot about why this happens to me. I’ve realized that I get incredibly ambitious and excited about our new academic goals, only to feel deflated and defeated when my offspring don’t share in either my ambitions or enthusiasm. Huh.

Continue reading “My Favorite Things: What is Leisure, Teaching Manners, why Graphic Novels count as Reading, and Bake this Cake”
Education, Kids, Self-care

Attend a Homeschooling Conference!

My friend Nicole and I finally got to meet the amazing Andrew Pudewa. #fangirls.

“The homemaker has the ultimate career. All other careers exist for one purpose only – and that is to support the ultimate career.” C.S. Lewis

This quote by the great C.S. Lewis was on the welcome page of the program guide at the Great Homeschool Convention event in Texas last month. As soon as I read it, I knew I was in the right place. I see my role as a homeschooling mom as my calling, my vocation, and my profession. I’m often asked by strangers if I’m “qualified” to teach my children. Since I don’t have a teaching degree, this question used to fluster me and leave me feeling, well, unqualified. But after years of reflection, I can confidently assert that I’m qualified. Like a true professional, I’m dedicating thousands of hours to master my trade. I actively engage with veteran homeschooling moms, curriculum creators, and experienced teachers. Undoubtedly, however, one of the best ways in which I invest in my professional development is by attending homeschooling conferences.

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Education, Kids, Uncategorized

10 Things I Hate about Homeschooling

Ok, maybe “hate” is too strong a verb. It’s more like “10 things I struggle with and would like to get better at”, but it’s not quite as catchy. The simple truth is, for all the amazing things that homeschooling brings to the table, it’s super hard. I have wanted to quit so many times that it’s become a bit of a (tiresome) joke for my husband. Some seasons I feel like it’s nothing but struggles. Struggling to get the kids going in the morning. To get them to start their school work. To focus on their schoolwork. To stop picking fights. To get their feet off the table and their fingers out of their noses. All the while, the dirty dishes are piling up, the fridge is empty and I don’t remember the last time I exercised.

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Education, Family, Kids, Uncategorized

Ten Things I love about homeschooling

Our glorious skiing holiday. One of the many perks of homeschooling!

My family just returned from a glorious week skiing in Tremblant, Quebec. I’m currently on my 17th load of laundry and I’m praying that the washing machine gods have my back. Skiing in January has become an annual tradition for my family and extended family – 13 and counting. We all love to ski and now our kids are quickly becoming avid skiers. To those of you who just have little kids at home – hang in there! Before you know it, your kids will be able to join you in all the activities you enjoyed pre-kids. Soon after that they’ll be leaving you in the dust (or snow). It’s beyond delightful watching them grow in skill and independence.

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Kids, Self-care, Uncategorized

How My New Morning Routine is Giving me Peace

What I would give to enjoy a warm almond croissant every morning with my coffee. Alas, I’m over 40 so no. Photo credit Charisse Kenion.

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A few months ago, I hit rock bottom. After eight years of doing this homeschooling gig, you think I would have figured out how to prevent burnout. But no. Every single year, many times a year, I crash and burn. My patient husband then proceeds to pick up the broken pieces and put me back together. Somehow, by the time June rolls around, we decide to give homeschooling another go.

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