Education, Family, Kids, My favorite things, Self-care

My Favorite Things: What is Leisure, Teaching Manners, why Graphic Novels count as Reading, and Bake this Cake

This scrumptious Almond Cranberry Cake is definitely one of my favorite things. From a Taste of Home.

Starting the Homeschooling Year on the Right Foot

Have you heard of homeschooling burnout? Many moms experience it in the bleak month of February when the weather is frigid, noses are forever runny and it’s just been too many days of nonstop math and spelling. But not me! I actually burn out the second week of September. We haven’t even cracked open all the books and I already want to quit. I’ve thought a lot about why this happens to me. I’ve realized that I get incredibly ambitious and excited about our new academic goals, only to feel deflated and defeated when my offspring don’t share in either my ambitions or enthusiasm. Huh.

Continue reading “My Favorite Things: What is Leisure, Teaching Manners, why Graphic Novels count as Reading, and Bake this Cake”
Education, Family, Kids, My favorite things, Uncategorized

My Favorite Things – Family Time, a trip to the Moon, Read, Read, Read and much more

Greetings! March has been a great month, not only because spring has finally arrived (only in name, perhaps, but I live in hope!), but also because many of our winter classes have come to a glorious end. This means that we have freed up some of our evenings and weekends to spend together as a family, playing board games and going on hikes. Ok, so we’ve only done one hike so far – that’s a picture of my hubby and daughter enjoying precious bonding time at Pefferlaw Creek Farms. But now that the weather is warming up (it WILL happen), we look forward to many more family hikes.

Here’s what I’ve been loving this past month:

Continue reading “My Favorite Things – Family Time, a trip to the Moon, Read, Read, Read and much more”